Saturday, February 6, 2010

One Hundred and Seventh Posting...........( A day at Chingay Parade )

Wow, it has been so long since I updated this blog. Let's hope that this post will try to revive my blog. Well, on 6th February 2010, I have attended this year's Chingay Parade. Wondering how I got into the parade? I recently joined a volunteering organization. The organization allows the volunteers to get into costumes and go to various events. If your first guess is cosplay, then you are only half correct. It isn't those anime cosplayers. It is the 501st Legion, Vader Fist, Singapore Garrison.

Well, although I did not took that much pictures, so the pictures I took during the rehearsal was little. I hope that during 18th, 19th and 20th, I have more time to take more pictures! Do remember to watch the Chingay Parade as you might find me in it! ( The badge above was given to me by a fellow stormtrooper! )

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